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Who we are

about:content was founded in early 2019 by former employees of e-Spirit AG (now known as Crownpeak) and has since then offered compelling consulting and support revolving around enterprise content management and cloud services.

The team combines has been growing ever since and combines more than 25 years of experience with FirstSpirit, Java and modern web technologies even in the most demanding scenarios.

Person typing on a macbook

Understanding your problems and needs is crucial for us.. Based on a thorough understanding we can create solutions that actually help you and provide long-lasting benefit to your company – and it is you that matters the most to us.

The processes of your company are unique and crucial to your success. We help you to map those processes onto your IT and deliver a customized solution fitting your needs. Done right, IT supports your work and creates opportunities – not additional problems.

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Crafting success.
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